PLG, Podcast, The Fundamentals
What if the Parents won’t be Good Parents???
Here's how to respond to whether abortion is justified if the parents wouldn't be good parents! -
PLG, Podcast, The Fundamentals
Are Pre-Born Children Parasites???
Here's how to tackle the accusation that pre-born children are parasites! -
PLG, Podcast, The Fundamentals
How to Talk about Abortion Victim Imagery
Here's how to talk about abortion victim photography! -
PLG, Podcast, The Fundamentals
Do Graphic Abortion Images Push People Away? Discussing new polling with Trevor Polo
New polling on the impact of abortion victim imagery makes a compelling case for its use by the pro-life movement! -
PLG, Podcast, The Fundamentals
How to End Your Conversations
Here's how to smoothly end your conversations about abortion.
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