STUCK: Answering Tough Questions About Abortion

*NOTE:* The course is taking place right now. If you would like to join a future course, please submit your information and we will be sure to inform you on future dates. Thank you!
Join Cam Côté, B.Sc in Biology and co-host of The Pro-Life Guys Podcast, for a 5 session course which will systematically work through the 7 sections laid out in Justina Van Manen’s definitive apologetics resource, STUCK: A Complete Guide to Answering Tough Questions About Abortion. Cam holds a Bachelors of Science in Biology from the University of Victoria, and has been a part of over 10,000 conversations about abortion over the last 13 years. He has been featured as a speaker at local, regional, and national pro-life conferences, including the 2019 National Pro-Life Conference in Canada and the Virtual Catholic Apologetics Conference in 2020 hosted by Matt Fradd and Pints with Aquinas.
Course participants will receive a signed copy of the book before the launch of the course, and each week Cam will lead a 2-hour discussion through the following sections:
- Course Introduction and Hard Circumstances
- Human Rights and Personhood
- Bodily Autonomy and Hard Cases
- The Abortion Procedure
- Perspective and Action
Cost: $50
The next course date is to be decided.