Recent Posts
91: Abandoned Babies in Calgary Are a Tragedy of the Past | Jordan Guilford
After reading about several infants tragically abandoned in Calgary, Alberta, Jordan Guilford decided to launch Hope's Cradle, an initiative dedicated to placing cradles in fire halls across the country to make this an issue of the past. -
89: Publicly Speaking on Abortion with Clarity and Charity | Daniel Gilman
Daniel Gilman is the founder of the Centre for Public Speaking, an advocate for pre-born children and countless others on the margins of society, and a great friend of the program. He joins us today to talk about how we can deliver effective public presentations on abortion. -
88: Just Do Something: The Pre-Born Still Need You | Fr. Tom Lynch
Fr. Tom Lynch is the President of Priests For Life Canada and has been directly involved in advocating for the rights of the weak and defenseless for the past 30 plus years. He join us to talk about his journey in the movement, which includes some arrests, and the Christian call on pro-lifers today. -
87: Where Are the Men? Here’s Our Theory!
The pro-life movement often has a tough time recruiting young men to join the ranks and fight against the greatest injustice of our day. Why is this? While there may be many reasons, we highlight some of the main ones we've concluded during our time in the movement.
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